Braga is a city perfect for a day trip from Porto. It’s 1 hour away by train (€3.45). I love the Portuguese railway, both the stations and the trains.

Porto train station

Portuguese train

Braga is less crowded.


Many of the buildings are grey, making it the city’s defining colour.


The city centre is full of historical sites: churches and castles, as well as lovely green spaces.


Santa Barbara Garden


Neaby, there’s a UNESCO heritage site: The Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Monte, which has been a pilgrimage site since the 14th century. My pilgrimage was rather short, passing through the residential areas of Braga.

Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Monte



On the top


Overall, it’s a lovely city. The post boxes in Portugal are just like those in Britain. Combined with the grey architecture, it can resemble the UK.

The last one to leave the city has to put out the candle.
