Cape Martin

Cape Martin is situated between Monaco and Menton and has a nice trail along it’s coast. I didn’t know about the trail beforehand and I was just walking towards Italy from Monaco.

Wait for it

Here we go

The night before I dreamt about the sea and nothing else. Who knew we would actually kiss today? Anyways, I got soaked.

Endless sea expressing its endless love



The path is long

Looking back, I could see Monaco, where I walked from.

View of Monaco

You can easily see the border of the microstate.

That's all of Monaco


I went all around the cape and found myself in Menton, which is a French town on the border with Italy.

This town was struck by a disaster, that is the storm at sea.


The street was turning into a beach.

Sand and stones

I enjoyed the view.

Beer and seawater is an excellent combination


Menton is a lovely town.

Despite the storm, its bay and marina remains calm. I went for a swim here.

I saw a sign saying Italy is in just 1000m. So I wanted to go check it out. I actually ended up walking for 2 hours to the nearest Italian town with a train station called Ventimiglia.


At the start, close to the Italian-French border, the path was very enjoyable.

But soon it got hard to navigate. I took wrong paths multiple times and avoided walking along the highway (which has tunnels).


On the way

The views were fantastic. The weather was also great: sunny and about 18-20C. I was wearing a t-shirt. Given those circumstances I can walk all day.

Italian sea

After a long way, I reached Ventimiglia. I walked about 25km (my phone logged 34km that day), starting in Monaco, going through France and ending in Italy.